Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

BlackBox: IG, SE,VA, Exploitation Metasploit SMB on Windows part 1

Informatian Gathering, Service Enumaration, Vulnerbality Asismant

~# nmap -A , this bifore install warFTP in windows,

uye.. and this screenshot after ran warFtp in windows, we get information port 21 open

 if we use zenmap, look at this,, same information as nmap.

oke,, that it...

here we up,, next step tu Vulnerbality Asismant
Target :
probe using exploit-database

 we can get information no exploit-database from microsoft-ds, oke try another
yess.. we get information any exploit-database from warftp

we can see too from rpc.

target :
probe using nessus

start instalation nessus, go to web browser https://localhost:8834 , login with your user n password. create new scan.
before that create new policies "Basic Scan" , done.
new scan>crate name ... and scan

we can see the result,, any 2 vulnerbality critical...
oke.. that it.. take a rest

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